Hollywood churns out movie after movie about hostile alien invasions. Meanwhile human actions continue to threaten peace on earth. Yet real-life reports suggest ETs are peaceful, spiritual and concerned about humanity’s destructive ways and want to help us. Here we examine if a smear campaign is being orchestrated to block us from receiving their help.
For over a century, works of fiction and entertainment have depicted extraterrestrials (ETs) as hostile, sinister, and violent. Repeated in books, radio broadcasts, television, and film, these depictions have crystallized into a powerful archetype — one that is deeply ingrained in popular culture.
Since the majority of people have had no actual experience with extraterrestrials, these negative depictions have shaped public perceptions of ETs in many ways. Extraterrestrials are most often presented either as something to be feared or as something comically absurd and to be ridiculed. Those who take ETs seriously are generally subject to ridicule themselves.
Where do these negative ideas about ETs come from, and whose interests do they serve? Obviously, earth has never actually been invaded by extraterrestrials, so why do so many works of fiction portray ETs in this way, as if it’s a given fact that they would be hostile? Why is it so little known that many real-life encounters and experiences have shown the opposite — that extraterrestrials are peaceful and spiritually-minded beings?
Few people are aware of the evidence and many compelling reports of encounters with life from other planets. This evidence presents a very different story. If we look at the experiences of those who claim to have had actual contact with ETs, we get a picture of them as benevolent and wise, not cruel and savage. Their actions appear altruistic, and their goal appears to be to save us from our own violent tendencies, rather than conquer and harm us.
Is it possible that those who depict ETs as evil are not merely exploiting them for entertainment but also deliberately cultivating fear and hostility in the subconscious of millions of people?
This article seeks to answer that question. First, we’ll explore the negative depiction of extraterrestrials in popular culture, where these began, and how they’ve been developed over decades. We’ll then contrast these negative depictions with evidence that supports the existence of extraterrestrials and suggests that they are very different from the violent, hostile depictions made famous by Hollywood. Finally, we’ll look at the implications of the negative portrayals of extraterrestrials and examine whose agenda is served by depicting them in this way.
The Origins of Invasion
The intrigue of outer space and the possibility of life on other planets has fascinated humans for hundreds of years. As far back as 1726, we can find tales of extraterrestrial worlds in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. In the 1800s, several books were written about the planet Mars and its inhabitants.
But the most notable work of fiction involving extraterrestrials is no doubt the first story written depicting an alien invasion that gained a sustained popularity: H. G. Well’s War of the Worlds, published in 1898. War of the Worlds was published at a time where invasion literature was already popular, but was the first in that genre to introduce an invasion of extraterrestrial origin.
The story depicts an invasion by a savage alien race with complete disregard for human life and the reactions of those facing it. Told with vivid realism, the story presents a convincing picture of how society, government, the military, and individuals might act in such a hostile scenario.
H.G. Well’s War of the Worlds was so convincing that when actor Orson Welles did a live reading of the novel during the broadcast of Mercury Theatre on the Air, (an American radio show which regularly did dramatic live radio broadcasts) for their Halloween edition, it was reported to have caused mass panic all over America.
The broadcast tried to make the story as realistic as possible, reading the book as if the news bulletin of an alien invasion was actually happening, complete with the relevant background noises. People tuning in to the broadcast midway could have thought the broadcast to be true, given that there were no commercial breaks during the broadcast. The next day, the major newspapers across the USA were filled with headlines speaking of a panic stricken country.
While there is much evidence to suggest that the reported mass panic did not actually occur, it was solidified into history as fact two years later by the research of Hadley Cantril. Cantril, a Princeton University psychologist funded by the powerful Rockefeller foundation, published a study of the event titled, The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic. According to Professor W. Joseph Campbell in his book, Getting it wrong: Ten of the Greatest Misreported Stories in American Journalism, Cantril’s study became a landmark in mass communication research and has been called the “first study of panic and abnormal behavior linked to specific media content.” This study helped propelled research funded by the Rockefeller foundation in areas of public opinion and mass communication ultimately for the purpose of public persuasion.
The Hollywood Smear Campaign in Full Swing
Even a brief look at the output of the Hollywood entertainment industry reveals countless examples of this “invasion” scenario and various negative depictions of extraterrestrials. With only 6 major corporations owning and distributing virtually all media content today, a small number of individuals have enormous control over the ideas that are presented to the masses. The content that is presented to the public concerning extraterrestrials takes humanity’s instinctive fear of the unknown and uses it as entertainment, creating a false reality in which ETs are the new “monster underneath the bed” or mortal enemy we need to protect ourselves from. The number of movies portraying extraterrestrials as evil, hostile creatures vastly outweighs the movies presenting aliens in a more positive light.
Movie after movie contains the notions that extraterrestrials are either needlessly violent, unintelligent, controlling, sexual predators, or monster-like, ghoulish creatures, who are out to destroy or take over the planet earth. Humans are often portrayed not only as the victim to these “intruders” but as heroes as they slay extraterrestrials in a patriotic way.
An early example of a film establishing a negative image of alien invasion
Independence Day, the highest grossing film of 1996, is a perfect example of this pattern. Having a similar theme to War of the Worlds, Independence Day takes place mainly in the USA, with everyday, hardworking citizens waking up to the view of an ominous alien mothership arriving and deploying large “destroyer” ships all over major cities. Panic ensues and the city streets are quickly jammed with cars and people trying to flee with all of their belongings in complete chaos. As with many Hollywood films, Independence Day does an excellent job playing on the emotions of the viewer by showing the intimate relationships and family connections being destroyed in one way or another by the aliens who are invading.
It is impossible to not feel empathy for the US president who loses his wife or for the kids of the alcoholic crop duster who sacrifices his life kamikaze-style to save planet earth, and it’s expected and logical for the viewer to feel a kind of hatred towards the extraterrestrials who are responsible. The movie is filled with commonly known ET terms and phrases meant to be comic relief but are associated with violence (Lines like, “That’s what I call a close encounter” after a star wars-style fighter plane battle or “Welcome to Earth” after violently punching an ET). There are also “inspiring” and patriotic pre-battle speeches to evoke the feelings of unity and perseverance amongst the humans and enjoyment at the seemingly deserved destruction of the ETs.
It also contains an ironic scene where the people who are positive towards ETs have gathered together on a rooftop to celebrate their coming, only to be destroyed mercilessly by the ETs directly. These are just some of the examples from this film that may seem small or subtle but serve a larger purpose in reinforcing the archetype of extraterrestrial life forms as malevolent, treacherous beings.
Unfortunately, a significant majority of movies and television programs featuring ETs contain this same formulaic depiction of violent and hostile extraterrestrials. To really understand how drastically the difference is between movies portraying otherworldly beings and visitors in a positive light and those that portray them in a negative way I went through the wikipedia list of films and television programs that featured extraterrestrials and categorized them based on how they portrayed extraterrestrials.
Out of over 300 movies I found only 37 that depicted extraterrestrials in a positive way. What is interesting in all of this data is the fact that while there have never been any invasions or violent attacks on humans by extraterrestrials, there are numerous real-life examples of humans invading, attacking, murdering and torturing other human beings.
Is our perception of extraterrestrial intentions in part a projection of how we see ourselves as a species?
Extraterrestrials as Peaceful and Spiritually-minded Beings
While extraterrestrials are depicted by Hollywood as violent and hostile or unintelligent parasites, the testimony of those who have had contact with them and the possible evidence of their contact with us suggests otherwise. This evidence creates an impression of extraterrestrial intentions that are far more peaceful than hostile.
Here are just a few of the fascinating examples of unexplained phenomena with possible extraterrestrial origin or stories that involve alleged ET contact.
Crop Circles
Long regarded as hoaxes, these mysterious imprints appear overnight in farmer’s fields, most often around ancient or megalithic sacred sites like Stonehenge, and contain sacred geometry, esoteric or mystical symbols, and even direct messages in binary code.
The name “crop circles” does not actually convey the full extent or intricacy of these formations, which still continue to stump scientists and farmers to this day. While most scientists have shrugged these events off as man-made pranks conjured up by rope and pieces of wood, there is substantial evidence to suggest otherwise.
Research by biophysicist W.C. Levengood conducted on samples taken from plants within and outside of crop circles concluded that the plant structure that was flattened inside the crop circle changed in such a radical way that no hoaxer would be able to replicate it, given that the change took place on a molecular and cellular level.
Other scientific researchers have demonstrated how unlikely if not impossible it is for these formations to be man made. Dr Eltjo H. Haselhoff has conducted extensive research into the topic of crop circles and states,
“Obviously, there are people trying to imitate the real thing, but the suggestion that all of these crop formations are made by men with simple flattening tools is by far insufficient to explain the well-documented observations, like unambiguous and consistent biophysical anomalies in the flattened plants, inside the circles, all of which have been published in peer-reviewed scientific literature.”
Dr. Haselhoff says the scientific evidence discovered at the sites of crop circles fits in with the eye-witness accounts of “balls of light” being seen during and at times after in the areas the crop circles were formed. He concluded that “this effect perfectly matched the radiation pattern of an electromagnetic point source at a height of four meters and ten centimeters above that field. Unbelievable as it may seem to the layman, this is solid physical evidence that these eyewitnesses speak the truth!”
Looking further, encoded in the crop circles are indications that whoever is behind them has a deep interest and wisdom regarding ancient spiritual symbols and sacred geometry. These symbols convey a wide range of meanings commonly associated with mysticism and the process of enlightenment (vesica picis, pentagram, flower of life, trinity, celtic knots, spirals, tree of life and so on).
Using esoteric symbolism to convey messages and teachings is not uncommon. Mystics in ancient times often used symbolism to convey hidden spiritual messages that they could not communicate publicly due to fear of persecution. Due to the perception of extraterrestrials as something to be feared and hated, is it conceivable that extraterrestrials could use crop circles as a relatively safe way of communicating their presence and intentions to the public?

Crop Circle in the form of a Triskelion – an ancient symbol found as far back as 3200 BC
Even more interestingly, several crop circles contain actual direct messages written in the form of binary code. In August of 2001, two crop circles appeared next to the Chilbolton Radio Telescope in Hampshire within 6 days of each other. The first, a mysterious face made in a dot-matrix style followed by a long rectangular formation was quickly recognized as a response to the 1974 digitally-encoded transmission planned by astronomers at Cornell University and sent from the radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.The original transmission included details of our planet, population, and even our DNA makeup. The apparent crop circle response included much of the same information as the original transmission along with subtle changes in the binary code that seems to provide information about whoever returned the message, including a difference in their appearance and DNA makeup. More on this here.
A year later, in Hampshire, England, next to a group of radio masts, a crop circle formation appeared with what looked like what’s known as a “grey” alien, alongside a circle which included this binary code message:
These two direct messages hold much mystery and intrigue, giving messages of knowledge, peace and hope — definitely a different picture from what the entertainment industry and media outlets would have the public believe.
Messages and Warnings
Another intriguing message of peace came in the form of a Southern television news broadcast on Saturday, November 26, 1977 in the UK. Midway through the news broadcast, a mysterious voice overrode the television show, (leaving the video playing but intercepting the audio). The speaker introduced himself as an extraterrestrial named “Vrillon” of the “Ashtar Galactic Command”.
Taken at face value, this introduction sounds like something straight out Star Trek. However, careful study of the audio reveals a powerful message of peace and also a warning of grave danger to come if we do not change our ways as a species.
While the Independent Broadcast Authority was quick to dismiss the incident as a hoax, there was never any real evidence presented to validate this. The IBA did express it would take a certain level of technical knowledge to achieve this interruption, and Southern Television confirmed that it was a hoaxer who interrupted their transmitter. However, to this day, the speaker remains unknown leaving the possibility of extraterrestrial origin open.
Here are just some of the quotes that point to extraterrestrials being peaceful, spiritually minded and concerned about the overall state humanity is in:
“All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill…
Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution…
…We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth…”
If this transmission was authentic, it is quite possible the “weapons of evil” he spoke about referred to the use of nuclear weapons here on earth, as there are many credible witnesses who have reported UFO’s being seen disarming nuclear weapons (more on this below).
It is of course hard to say whether this was authentic or not but this message seems consistent with the description of extraterrestrial intentions found in other firsthand accounts from numerous credible witnesses.
The Friendship Case
Perhaps one of the most intriguing and thorough cases of contact and experiences with extraterrestrials is what is known as “The Friendship Case.” Taking place from the 1950’s until the 1990’s, a group of men in Italy began a relationship with what they claimed to be extraterrestrials from various solar systems who joined together on Earth to help humanity. Over the years the men had first-hand contact with the extraterrestrials and were able to communicate with them in person as well as through radio and television transmissions that were sent directly to the group, teleportation, and telepathy. The group was also able to take audio and video recordings as well as photographs of the extraterrestrial ships.
Working from secret bases all around the world the “W56” or “friends” as the witnesses called them, worked particularly towards protecting this planet from the nuclear weapons being built and used and trying to keep the weapons from “getting out of hand.” One witness who has remained anonymous came forth and wrote a letter in support of the story and had this to say about the W56’s intentions:
“The aim of the Friends’ presence is not to study us (they know us quite well, better than we do ourselves!), but to help us. In fact, the Friends are unhappy about the very high level of hate, violence and injustice on the Earth, and about the anti-humanistic trend of our science and technology. Being able to see our thoughts and feelings, the Friends see what we hide behind our masks, words and smiles…”
He also goes on to mention how “The Friends refer to themselves not as belonging to the world of the Spirit, but as those who ‘come just after the world of the Spirit.’ They also say they are the ‘forerunners of the world of the Spirit.’ In other words, they place themselves as intermediaries between us and the world of the Spirit.” Read his full letter here.
Other witnesses also told of the great emphasis the W56 put on friendship, love, and peace, and that the witnesses could feel a great sense of love emanating from the beings when they were around them in person. The thought of them being violent in any way was considered an impossibility. The witnesses also noted the friends incredible knowledge of advanced technology that would drastically change how we view our social and economic structures. More importantly, they also possessed wisdom about the nature of the universe, higher consciousness, and the potential that every individual has. Watch the documentary on this case here.
This case has over a hundred witnesses who were involved in varying degrees with these extraterrestrials and potentially countless others who have not yet come forward. The implications of this are incredible to consider, since it flies in the face of everything the public has been exposed to by the media regarding extraterrestrial intentions and ways of being.
Dr. Steven Greer and The Disclosure Project
Since 1993, Dr. Steven Greer has been working on the Disclosure Project which has brought forward over 400 witness testimonies from high ranking government, military, and corporate officials who have personally witnessed a variety of extraterrestrial phenomena or have access to knowledge of them that has been withheld from public view. He has put together these witness testimonies in a documentary which you can view here.
Many of these testimonies are firsthand accounts of apparently extraterrestrial ships neutralizing or disarming nuclear missiles and test centers. One of these incidences was even caught on video tape. Professor Robert Jacobs personally viewed the video in which, after a missile test launch, an extraterrestrial craft approaches the missile and disarms the war head, causing it to fall off into space. The video was then confiscated and Prof. Jacobs was told not to speak of the incident again.
Col. Ross Dedrickson, another witness in the Disclosure Project, confirmed this account as well as providing information on an event in the 1960s where nuclear missiles were sent by the US government to be exploded on the moon to test for data and reaction, and extraterrestrial craft were seen disabling those missiles so that no explosion could occur. Col. Dedrickson commented that it appeared that extraterrestrials found any explosions in space to be unacceptable.
On the morning of March 16, 1967, Col. Dwynne Arneson of the U.S. Air Force saw a message come through his communications center at Malstrom Air Force Base in Montana, which expressed that a metallic UFO was seen hovering near a missile silo and shortly after all the missiles went from being in a standby mode to being completely dead and could not be launched.
Captain Robert Salas confirmed Col. Arneson’s account and gave further details. On that morning Captain Salas received a call from his flight security control guard who reported he saw strange lights flying around the launch control facility. He described the lights as noiseless and making strange maneuvers. About half an hour later the security guard called back and according to Salas sounded very shook up, reporting that a glowing red object was hovering right outside the front gate. He had all his men with weapons drawn and he was looking for instructions. Salas went to his commander to tell him of the situation and then he noticed the missiles started shutting down, one by one in rapid succession. The missiles went into what was considered a ‘no go’ condition meaning they could no longer be launched. Even after a thorough investigation, the cause of the shutdown could not be explained.
Captain Salas also relayed that on that same morning, 50-60 miles away at another facility, the same phenomena occurred and 10 missiles were shut down.
Dr. Steven Greer comments that from these witness testimonies it is clear that extraterrestrials are extremely concerned with our use of nuclear weapons, and the implications of having these weapons used on the planet or in space, and it seems possible they have been disarming these weapons in order to protect the people of this planet and the rest of the cosmos as well.
A common theme throughout these witness testimonies is the coverup and secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial life visiting our planet. Several witnesses have reported there have been extraterrestrial crafts and technology that has been captured (some even shot down) and reverse engineered. According to witnesses that have come forward to Dr. Greer, the technology that was found and developed from these craft is one the most highly guarded secrets. Others report there have been bodies, both dead and alive, associated with these craft. But a high level of security has kept this information from the public and many witnesses report having been pressured, bullied and even threatened to keep it secret.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was the sixth man on the moon on the Apollo 14 spaceship, also gave a testimony for Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project and within his testimony made this comment:
“There is disinformation. The question of has it been kept secret or how could it be kept secret – it hasn’t been kept secret! It’s been there all along. But it has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and to create confusion so that the truth doesn’t come out. Disinformation is simply another method of stonewalling and that’s been used consistently for the last 50 years or so. Weather balloons over Roswell, I suppose, to a crashed craft of some sort. That’s disinformation, we’ve seen that for 50 years and its the best way to hide something.”
In Dr. Greer’s book, Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge, he says:
“It is critical to understand that an enormous and sophisticated disinformation campaign exists around the whole extraterrestrial question- at least 90 percent of the information and images portrayed to the public are selected to evoke fear – followed by hatred of all things alien. Movies, TV shows, and books about the subject prove this point: if one is to believe that rubbish you would think that every other person in America is being snatched from their homes at midnight and being tortured! It simply isn’t true. But fear and horror sells, and the usual suspects benefit from a terrified, misinformed populace.”
Dr. Steven Greer continues to try and expose this secrecy and coverup, along with presenting information regarding the extraterrestrial technology that, in his view, could vastly change the way our world works.
The Implications
What are the implications of portraying extraterrestrials in a negative light? Are people using aliens as a convenient “bogeyman” for enjoyment or profit, or is there an intentional effort to “smear” extraterrestrials? Most importantly, why would someone want to promote negative perceptions of ETs?
Looking at the evidence from countless witness testimonies, the notion that ETs are hostile is simply not held by anyone with real experience, it is only held and promoted by the great web of vested interests, propelled with ease by Hollywood films and television.
Furthermore, many of these witnesses express the concept of ETs having a spiritual wisdom or a higher consciousness, promoting ways of achieving peace and harmony, of which could be shared with the world and bring about an entirely different way of living.
However, by this repetitive conditioning to view extraterrestrials as violent, aggressive and hostile, it is much less likely that we will ever be open to the spiritual wisdom that these beings potentially may have to offer. If our concept of extraterrestrials is informed only by negative portrayals, people would logically be less likely to seek out contact with extraterrestrials and should a contact experience occur, they would be more likely to respond with fear and antagonism. In fact, this very fear has been reported to be a serious obstacle to ET contact from those who have had firsthand experience with UFO’s. For example, Dr. Steven Greer explains his experience with this in an encounter described in Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge.
Although presented under the guise of entertainment, negative portrayals of ETs via mass media have a very real power to prevent contact between humanity and extraterrestrial civilization and in the process can effectively deny humanity access to profound technology and spiritual wisdom that could transform life as we know it.
We must remember that all of this violence in the world is projection from those who see (and create) nothing but harm in the world: It’s not just the aliens in other words but everybody else who isn’t on their side. These are the type of people who destroy the world in order to protect it, draining its resources and polluting it, until life is barely viable. Paranoia sees violence everywhere because it goes about creating it
From personal experience, they are very good beings, very spiritual and eminates much love and care for us and the planet.
I was at another forum many months back and someone who was looking for et stories only wanted scary ones, due to a movie he was making, he said, fear sells more.
True I guess.
When a person don’t know what is happening the experience can indeed be scary and missinturpeted. Some beings look very different from us, and as a child and even as an adult things like that can be scary. So the experiencer might take the et visitations as hostile and bad. And with no one to talk to about these things, it’s even worse.
I have experienced bad encounters too, not that the beings were evil, but, I did not like them because they treated me almost like a lab rat. This has only happened two times to my knowledge, otherwise I have only experienced very loving encounters with human looking beings and other beings.
Peculiar article, exactly what I was looking for.
your atek is too, too true, and in alignment with my own independant understanding, but I want to point out one area you may want to l ook at further.
the Ashtar Command message was delivered by “Vrillon”.
OK, two things:
1. Ashar is possiblt “Ashtaroth”., or “Astarte” or Semiramis/Isis. You know all about that.
2. Vrillon sounds an awful lot like “those of the Vril” if you will. Google this: “Nazi, Vril” and be amazed.
I suspeect that message, although I like its tone and content, it may have been a practice run for a false flag yett to come. Do not know, but the terms, the names are suspect.
All of this is explained in detail including the underlying motives and techniques of all sides in The Urantia Book. Please read it.
Sincerely thanks for putting all this together. must check out all the links now. Those percentages speak volumes
Hey Vida, what a great overview of the et phenomenon, I have seen Dr. Greers movies and witness testimonies and agree totally that most if not all et’s are benevolent and the only ones that aren’t are our own government and the black projects that they are involved in.
For all those who have been conditioned into believing that et’s are here to not help our planet but to help themselves for their own benefit are way off the mark, just think for a second of the technology that they have, they could take our planet over in a heart beat, if that was their agenda, but they would never do that because if they would have, they would have self destructed them selves long ago (like our planet is doing at the moment) hence they must be only of love and peace and are here only to help us wake up to whats going on in this world of greed, corruption, deception, ect ect.
As someone said in an earlier post, you only have to read some of their messages to us and you know that not many if any humans could say such words of peace, love and wisdom. Having said that how could they possibly come here with bad intentions (impossible).
Going from some messages I have read and heard from et’s, ascended masters, archangels whatever one chooses to call them, they are actually our relatives that seeded this planet long ago so we are like their children so to speak and who would want to harm their children, so of course they only want to help us and see us happy and living in peace.
We all have what they call free will and the law of the universe is that no one should impose on someone else’s free will, that’s why the powers that be (were) are so busy trying to keep us in fear of et’s
because with that law of the universe they know that the et’s will not come down here to earth unless we invite them and enough of us will not be fearful of them as so not to create mass hysteria and panic. Truth of the matter is they (the et’s) want nothing more than to show themselves and help us in our journey as a planet with technology, wisdom and messages of love so we can all go forward as a planet instead of the greed, corruption and eventual destruction of our beautiful blue little planet.
Great work Vida, the more people that know the truth the quicker we will all have a world of peace, harmony and prosperity and will be finally able to meet our brothers and sisters from the stars, because as soon as we are ready they will come.
Love and peace too all.
I agree if any human been are informed correctly are the best for our civilisations , because my self i believe totally in that Entity they exist even for sure they are in another dimension that we can see it , because those are mult advanced in anything ,even we got today computers etc we still are much behoind and maybe will take long time to get , thsat because today we got the most super power today are drived the must shit psyco of the planet , so if we replace those cretins with the healthy mind we got a chance to advance in the future , but for this we must send those idiots from the power this days directly to the HELL .
It is so sad to see that this negative image of ETs is being created in people’s view all across the board. I really noticed it in the movie industry especially as of late. Movies such as Battleship, Iron Sky, Visitors and many other in recent years have been depicting aliens as these evil beings that come to earth for their own sinister purpose.
I was talking to a friend in her early twenties and she said that she had this fear of the aliens engrained into her as a result off all the movies and I found it very interesting and upsetting at the same time. This really showed me how subconsciously someone is creating this image of aliens in the young generation. Now if we think about the new generation and how it is so hooked up on the latest movies, we can obviously see that the image that is created for them is no like other in the history of humanity. This truly worrying as this image is nothing more than a figment of imagination of some producer or really a part of a bigger plan of the elite few for their own sinister purposes.
Thanks for extensive research Vida to bring this to light .
I feel that this article is very one-sided.
If a race travels vast distances in space, seeking to establish influence in other worlds, surely this is a good indicator that it is not spiritually advanced? Intervention is not something to be taken lightly. Loss of self-determination and sovereignty is a serious consequence of allowing others to establish themselves in a providing role.
Thanks for putting that all together Vida. The parts that stand out the most for me are the messages that are actually sent from the ET’s… They are really trying to help us. I find it very difficult to believe that a hoaxer would be able to come up with such profound and beautiful messages for humanity. The crop circles and the content of the messages themselves are proof enough for me. They give such a strong sense of wisdom and care that I would not credit to an earthling.
Thanks for the article, Vida. It’s amazing that “Out of over 300 movies I found only 37 that depicted extraterrestrials in a positive way.” So sad that this view of hostile extraterrestrials keeps being peddled onto the public over and over again.
On that note, I was so shocked when I was reading the friendship case book — what I thought was the official book about the case, written by an alleged participant in the case, and called Mass Contact. There were parts to that book that were absolutely beautiful and truthful, but there were other parts that were just very odd and didn’t coincide at all with my experience with and knowledge of extraterrestrials. I really couldn’t make out why the book was written like that by someone who participated in the case. My initial thoughts were to just dismiss the whole book as a hoax, but I just couldn’t do that. The parts that touched me I am certain were truthful and reflect the spiritual and peaceful nature of these beings. The language used to describe certain experiences was of a nature that you could probably only relate to if you’ve had certain experiences in higher dimensions or with extraterrestrial beings. It’s something you recognize straight away if you’ve experienced it. So I never quite got why the book also contained odd things that were of a completely contrary nature alongside the truthful parts. I recently read an an account by one of the other participants in the friendship case who stated that the book Mass Contacts was infiltrated and intentionally distorted, with most elements of the case presented truthfully, but with some elements being added to distort the message and add bits and pieces here and there that would make the reader doubt the truthfulness of the case. When I read this person’s explanation of this, it all suddenly made sense. I could even mentally pick out all the parts in the book/story that seemed out of place and contrary to the nature of the case. It’s really sad that this type of infiltration takes place to deceive the public and to distort contact with extraterrestrials and create all kinds of misconceptions about them.
The idea that every single individual of every species visiting this planet is 100% benevolent ignores thousands of victims’ anecdotes. If you think nobody has ever been harmed by an ET, look at lectures by Dr. Karla Turner or Butch Witkowski or any of the hundreds of victims who have spoken about being physically and psychologically damaged. I have great respect for Dr. Greer, but the idea that rogue government operations are trying to make people afraid of aliens whom they don’t want us to know exist, and then wiping their memories afterward, is nonsensical.
Regarding those anecdotes of abduction, there is significant testimony to indicate that those victims are actually victims of military programs who purposefully stage these abductions in order to create a kind of scapegoat/enemy, and they are not done by real extraterrestrials. Here is a video of Steven Greer speaking to this information: http://youtu.be/f_eM7GSgCs4
Obviously, people are free to investigate these claims for themselves, but I personally find it more nonsensical to think that an advanced intelligent species are traveling countless light years in order to abduct and probe humans in their sleep (to what end?).
To what end? To research us, so that they can better manipulate our behavior and breeding. The goal is basically to breed us as cattle and harvest us. And if we don’t realize that that’s what’s happening to us, that just makes it so much easier for them.
By comparison: cows and pigs don’t realize they are bred and harvested by us.
Really, it’s funny that many people assume that aliens will be benign, while we ourselves exploit absolutely every lower life form we feel we have a use for. It’s really quite silly to think that _higher_ life forms will not treat us in pretty much the same way.
Hello J-Dude,
Many people don’t assume that aliens are benign and speak from experience.
Can you offer any evidence that in thousands of years of humanity on this planet any one has ever been harvested? If that was their end goal it would’ve happened by now.
What you have said here J-Dude seems a logical possibility if one assumes that ET’s are not spiritually advanced, just as we are not, and if one assumes that the abductions are being done by them and not para-military groups like what Dr Greer suggests.
So, how many people per year do you think get eaten by them?
And why do they bother with the cattle mutilations?
Why don’t they eat the cattle and pigs like we do and leave us alone?
I mean, we walk around on two legs like they do, we are humanoid like them.
If we were able to travel to other planets that had a lower intelligence humanoid life on it do you think we would want to eat them?
I tend to think ET’s are not doing the abductions for whatever reason because they are vastly more intelligent and spiritually advanced and also because they are humanoid like us and not interested in eating us!
Perhaps though they did help seed human life on this planet but not for some nefarious reason but due to fulfilling a spiritual purpose.
Hi J-Dude,
My view on it is similar to David’s, in that I think for any civilization to reach the point where it’s capable of traveling the cosmos, it will need to reach a strong degree of spiritual development first.
Any humanity lacking that is naturally destructive, and in my view is likely to destroy themselves before being able to develop enough technologically to do so. At the very least, the humanity will be divided, split into different groups and untrustful of each other, not working together with the level of co-operation needed to develop and in all likelihood having each group fear the progress of the others, attacking any that shows signs of standing equal to themselves.
I think as a humanity we unfortunately share many of the traits above, and as those traits are the only ones we’ve known, it’s easy to see them as part & parcel to how life as a whole works.
I think though that in the vastness of life, not only can other worlds and civilizations exist, but other ways of life as well.
If we take our ways as a formula whose outcome is essentially how our world is, with all the mundanity, corruption and stunted growth – both inwardly and technologically – it seems for extraterrestrials to really have advanced, they would have had to take another road as a humanity.
Perhaps it could be the case that a spiritual civilization would look at ours and wish to help us. Unfortunately, it seems as though we’re being manipulated by sinister forces out there to fear this, and in my opinion, the consequences of not accepting help with society as it’s going is likely to be our loss.
gota agree with what Nathan and David said really..
Anyways, we are far more capable at doing all he bad deeds that Hollywood is wanting us to think of Extra-terrestrials.
And it is also amazing how the word “Alien” has a negative connotation as well.. This is the term that is used legally to describe an immigrant in the USA… I had people look at me afraid as I exclaimed once at the post office while filing a form: “Oh darn it, I forgot my alien #” – the place went silent, stares – I was totally being ostracized – I only realized as something felt not right all of a sudden and I looked up and saw everyone looking at me!
I thought that was funny at the time – but retrospectively, you can already see the ignorant fear toward even just the word “alien” has taken root among the common people – how sad..
I thought what J-Dude commented was actually a valid assumption considering the mass disinformation on this subject out there. If you don’t have an array of info from different sources, and even then, the subject matter is as clear as mud. I believe that’s exactly the point.
J-Dude, I didn’t get from your comment that by breeding you meant they would want to eat us – for some reason, my understanding was more in line with us being some kind of slaves for them in the scenario that you’re painting, is that right?
Anyway, what you said reminded me a lot of a testimony by Jim Sparks in 2007, who claims to have been an abductee for years, I think a couple decades even. He’s been seriously traumatized by it and it has alienated him from his family, friends, work, etc. He talks of being forced to work with their agenda, learn what they want him to learn, and if he refuses, he is tortured. It was obvious that any sense of free will was stripped away from him. They screen-image things into his mind to make him afraid or to calm him down, whatever is needed to get what they want. Lots of other instances of reality being manipulated for him – seeing what wasn’t there at all. He seemed to have developed Stockholm syndrome because when he’s not being tortured, he’s glad to comply with their demands, mistaking it for an act of inclusion or kindness towards him.
What struck me as I was hearing his testimony was that he identifies a “worker being”, which are the ones that abductees presume to be aliens but they’re actually programmable task performers – half-robotic and half-biological. That’s exactly what Dr. Greer warns about, the trickery and deception of these covert groups. If, as he says, in the ‘50s they had the technologies to “take ET home”, it’s difficult to contemplate how far they’ve come in mimicking other ET technologies from back-engineering and using it for selfish and evil purposes. Jim even reveals he saw for himself inside of the crafts the things he thinks are ETs and military personnel. That was the key. I think this aspect is so important to consider: if these are “higher life forms”, what are they doing working with our military??
Yet the message that Jim brings from the interactions he has with these creatures is that they are concerned for the welfare of earth’s environment and instill this worry into the minds of the abductees (of which there are several through mass abductions he claims to have been a part of). They’re shown images of earth, before and after, depicting the destruction we will cause if we continue along this same route of disregard for our home here. As the abductees are all watching this, they are probed with tubes that stimulate and heighten emotions. If he refuses to watch what they’re showing, they make him black out.
Without the missing puzzle piece of accounts of evolved consciousness that extraterrestrial beings have – with multi-dimensional faculties, a command of existing consciously in higher dimensions which enable them to travel here in the first place, compassion, respect for free will, etc. – the view through which we see these abductions is incomplete and we jump to conclusions.
I think another link that’s missing is the 7 or so decades of black ops research programs into advanced technologies that make what’s out and known to the public look like it’s from the Stone Age. When we don’t take time to consider that possibility and what they could have achieved in secret for this period of time, it makes it really hard to entertain the idea that humans are executing these abductions. In that case, it only leaves it to genuine ETs and it’s easier to believe they’re the culprits.
I wanted to hear for myself an account of one of these abductees and what I got from Jim’s awful experience is how mixed and distorted the messages are. They want us to realize we’re destroying the planet but they’re willing to torture people over it. Something about that is incredibly suspicious. I believe that Jim and other abductees are telling the truth (who would voluntarily go through that much social ridicule over a lie?), but I don’t think they understand the full extent of what is happening to them and who is responsible. Greer, as far as I know, has come out with proof about these black ops relatively recently, so I don’t think many people have considered the even darker alternative: instead of evil ETs that come from light-years away, could it be at the hand of our very own evil humans?
Good points Zorana, this interview shines a lot of light on some of the topics you mentioned, re: “alien” abductions staged by the military and black ops: https://consciousreporter.com/global-agendas/how-society-is-manipulated-to-fear-ets/
Thanks, David. Yea, that’s the video that helped connect the dots a bit better regarding what was happening to all of these people and shine a light on who could be behind it and why. Without information like this, unfortunately there seems to be a plausible case against ET involvement with abductees.
Thanks Zorana, I think you are spot on here. I also felt from different abductee experiences that they were genuine, and that those people were not lying. What Dr. Greer brings to light now is great, as it makes a total sense in the light of secret military operations. I also wondered why are we still having a technology of a “stone-age” as you said… Including planes for example. They feel so archaic, unsafe and just not fit for this age. I just could not believe that we would not have researches and developers today to develop something much better. No research usually stops for like 100 years or so, usually things develop by a pretty rapid rate in technology field. But obviously, we are not informed, and deliberately kept in this “bubble” that we simply don’t have any advanced technologies yet. Now these recent revelations shed a lot of light on why this might be so. Thanks for adding this missing piece to the puzzle!
It’s been good to revisit this older post through the new flurry of comments.
My personal feeling is that the kind of torture that this person Zorana speaks of is very possible in this world, where it seems human cruelty knows no bounds and that the means to achieve this mind control is scarily sophisticated. I feel ET’s are higher and gentle beings, from a few experiences I’ve had, from the astonishing Disclosure Project and the touching Friendship Case.
On a slightly different topic, I wanted to mention crop circles. I visited these years ago and felt they had a very special energy. I was shocked at how delicate they seemed from inside -even when you can’t see the pattern the way the crop is bent and shaped into little folds looks like an intelligent design. This was in Wiltshire in England where there are record numbers of formations. I remember thinking that the land here is very special – Stonehenge and Avebury and Silbury Hill are all here – may be somehow it was spontaneously creating them, especially as they arise in summer, a time of heightened energy.
Then last week or so I came across this article by John Burke who was a physicist who did some really interesting measurements of the electromagnetic energy of sacred sights and also explored crop circles. He suggests that the energetics of the area could create some of these circles via some physics I can’t understand enough to explain here! But the article is quite easy to follow for the layman.
For me it doesn’t take away the magic of crop circles, or the probability that some are messages from ET’s. I find it quite incredible that these amazing patterns are inherent in life and could just manifest in the right conditions, the invisible beauty becoming visible momentarily.
Or maybe it’s a collaboration between the special forces of this area and the craftsmanship of extraterrestrials?!
For anyone who’s interested in this kind of thing I found John Burke’s work in series 2 “Higher Technology” of The Pyramid Code – a fantastic doco on the Egyptian pyramids.
Hi Ella!
I remember also reading in the recent past that the tissue, the very molecules of the crop inside of these formations is entirely altered! That was interesting to learn. The ‘physics’ article you just posted goes more in depth. It pretty much debunks that they were man-made…which, just by looking at some of them, is obvious. Thanks for these links 🙂
Yes unfortunately there is negative propaganda and psyops against E.T’s by which folks like J-Dude have been tricked even despite this article outlining all that. I took their comment at face value, the analogy used adds up to eating in my opinion. If that is not what was meant, it was a poor analogy and is indicative of the lack of clear thinking on this issue in general amongst humanity including any kind of ‘harvesting’.
Some time ago watching all this massive information and propaganda against ETs i had started collecting material for my records and some day to expose that somehow. It’s great you did that Vida in such way and thank you!.
I haven’t realize that there are so many movies for example.
Lately come up a alien jelly fish which US military forces where attacking it. This propaganda is so great and massive and in the same time is getting benefit so much from people’s sensitive fearful emotions, that can manipulate so easy people’s minds and behaviours.
Not just with movies, but with any kind of mean of information. And specially with some of those which promote that expose realities and truth. I don’t know how much sensitive, picky or sceptical someone should be in order not get wrong influenced from this.
What i know is that working on our own perception can improve our attitude at any kind of field and of course our critical ability.
Thank again!
I’m looking forward to any updates
Hi Fotis -thanks, I know what you mean. The amount of movies that portray ET’s in a negative light is astounding. I started researching that first, with the hope that I might somehow be wrong and that there might just be ET movies out there I didn’t know about that portrayed them positively. As I went down the list of films unfortunately it just wasn’t the case! And that is just one aspect of the disinformation and fear propaganda that is used against ET’s.
Last night Daya and I watched the video “UFO Secret – The Friendship Case”. We found it very insightful and full of hope.
Where would this world be today without the help of the Divine.
Definitely a must watch. Thanks again.
It’s definitely a touching story that gives a glimpse into what it could be like if we could peacefully interact with ET’s. I was really inspired by it too.
I’ve found that many people are now questioning the possibility of ETs, but sadly many still think that there are good and bad ETs. Articles like this are a great way to make a difference on the topic.
Other than many eyewitness accounts of ETs and UFO sightings, there is so much evidence of their existence. As mentioned, there is the amazing Crop Circles and also there so many drawings and carvings from so many different ancient civilisations, which includes UFO drawings that can be seen on church glass art.
What an amazing story about the W56. Looking forward to watching the video called “UFO Secret – The Friendship Case”.
Great article I really enjoyed ready it. Well done, thanks Vida.
Amidst all the amounts of ‘garbage’ information out there on this subject, this is a wonderful fresh breath of honest info and quality sources. !(relief)
I think you’ve got many of the key issues well covered
“…. if a smear campaign is being orchestrated to block us from receiving their help”
I do think this is very much the case. Set in motion by those very groups and entities that feel their interests and control of the planet will be threatened by the teamwork of ET civilizations and the people on earth. And unfortunately the blockage from help is even further propelled by people themselves because of our fears, desire for sensation, …..pride etc.
Thanks so much Vida, wonderfully put together. It would be useful for everyone stumbling across this to forget all the Hollywood films and such. And rather watch the Friendship case and the Disclosure project re-think with common sense what the reality of the situation really is.
Thanks Blake. It’s a big topic and there’s a lot more to be said on it but it’s definitely a start in unfolding the lies and deceit that are spread against ET’s.