Hollywood’s latest alien invasion blockbuster ‘Edge of Tomorrow,’ starring Tom Cruise, shows humanity uniting in a global military force against an alien assault, while extraterrestrials and spirituality are demonised. Discover how the movie embeds ideas in the viewer’s psyche conducive to a future false flag alien attack scenario and one-world military agenda.
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The Cosmic Consequences of Space Weapons: Why they Must be Banned to Preserve our Future
China and Russia have proposed an updated UN treaty to ban space-based weapons amidst fears the weaponisation of outer-space could prove disastrous. But why does the US government, which has the world’s largest military, continue to block it? If the weaponisation of space is not stopped, the dangers to humanity will be huge, with cosmic consequences.
Read More »Tony Blair’s ‘Interfaith’ Crusade: Using Religious Extremism to Impose a New World Order?
As sectarian violence re-erupts in war-torn Iraq, Tony Blair has again justified waging the catastrophic Iraq War. From his interfaith charity, he claims religious extremism is at the root of 21st century conflict – not wars waged by western governments. Why does Blair excuse and continue to advocate military violence while pushing a narrative where religious extremists take all the blame ...
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