Author Archives: David

Spiritual freedom in the West: Are we drifting into a culture of suppression?

Increasingly in the West practitioners of alternative spirituality are subjected to discrimination and censorship. It’s sobering to look at the possible outcomes of living in a society where spiritual freedoms are heavily restricted. This article looks at the Chinese government’s oppression of spirituality as an example, to illustrate why we should not take our spiritual rights and freedoms for granted.

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‘Edge of Tomorrow’: Latest Hollywood blockbuster pushing false flag alien invasion agenda?

Hollywood’s latest alien invasion blockbuster ‘Edge of Tomorrow,’ starring Tom Cruise, shows humanity uniting in a global military force against an alien assault, while extraterrestrials and spirituality are demonised. Discover how the movie embeds ideas in the viewer’s psyche conducive to a future false flag alien attack scenario and one-world military agenda.

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How Fear is Used to Turn You Against Spirituality

Fear is a weapon of social control used to manipulate thoughts and actions without people even knowing it. Today it’s used to control and alienate would-be practitioners of alternative spirituality. How has this happened and who stands to gain from it? By understanding how fear is used we can be free of manipulation in our choice of spirituality.

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