Conspiracy Against Consciousness

Jonestown Massacre: The 9/11 of the War on Alternative Spirituality

It was the largest death toll of US civilians by human acts until 9/11 , but was it really “mass suicide” or were people murdered? What’s to be made of the spectre of CIA conspiracies looming over Jonestown? This article examines how the Jonestown narrative was manipulated, and the claims of covert government connections to a massacre that fuelled a ...

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The All-Seeing Eye: Modern Use of a Hijacked Symbol

The all-seeing eye is a symbol of divine omniscience or sinister influence depending on how it is used. In this second article tracing the history of this symbol we will delve into its use over the last 200 + years which takes this pristine positive symbol to its increasingly malevolent use and implications.

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How Materialism posing as Mysticism subverts Spirituality and limits Consciousness

The law of attraction is a wildly-popular modern mystical belief hyped as the secret to fulfilling your every desire. It has big celebrity endorsements, and commercial products rehashing its claims sell in abundance. But beneath the glossy facade there’s often an agenda pushing egocentrism and greed in metaphysical garb, which limits consciousness and subverts spirituality for shallow materialistic ends.

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Web filters and Alternative Spirituality: The Selective Censorship of ‘Alternative Beliefs’

Commercial web filters are often rigged to selectively target alternative spirituality and beliefs. Sites like this one can be classified, segregated and blocked under an “alternative spirituality/belief” category, which is often described negatively. The widespread use of filters to block alternative beliefs on public networks, while allowing access to traditional/mainstream beliefs, raises issues of censorship, discrimination and prejudice.

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‘Edge of Tomorrow’: Latest Hollywood blockbuster pushing false flag alien invasion agenda?

Hollywood’s latest alien invasion blockbuster ‘Edge of Tomorrow,’ starring Tom Cruise, shows humanity uniting in a global military force against an alien assault, while extraterrestrials and spirituality are demonised. Discover how the movie embeds ideas in the viewer’s psyche conducive to a future false flag alien attack scenario and one-world military agenda.

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The All-Seeing Eye: Sacred Origins of a Hijacked Symbol

Is the all-seeing eye a symbol of divine omniscience or sinister influence? Today it symbolises control and domination by a shadowy elite, but its original use was quite different. This article traces its use and meaning back to ancient times, when it was a symbol of divine providence, powerfully representing spiritual truth and awakening.

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Web of Deceit: The Bilderberg Group and Elite Powerbrokers Linked to the UK’s Stealth Internet Censorship Coup

As a curtain of censorship falls over the UK internet, this special investigation uncovers the deception and elite players behind the murky system of corporate web filters, which block far more than pornography. Disturbingly, the trail points back to a notorious and controversial elite cabal – the ultra-secretive Bilderberg Group.

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