The all-seeing eye is a symbol of divine omniscience or sinister influence depending on how it is used. In this second article tracing the history of this symbol we will delve into its use over the last 200 + years which takes this pristine positive symbol to its increasingly malevolent use and implications.
In my previous article The All-Seeing Eye: Sacred Origins of a Hijacked Symbol, I outlined how the all-seeing eye was an integral part of many ancient cultures and traditions, and originally represented divine providence, spiritual truth and awakening.
The closer we get to modern times however, a shift takes place in the way this symbol is used and perceived. The once pristine and positive symbol becomes emblematic of elitist totalitarian oppression, surveillance, demonic influence and control.
Further Positive Uses in The Last 200+ Years
Since I wrote the first part of this article I found another positive use of the all-seeing eye from the early 17th century. The frontispiece to the book The History of the World by Sir Walter Raleigh from the year 1614 includes the image of an eye with a glory shining around it and then surrounded by cloud with the word “Providentia” written above it and with the eye overlooking the globe. The use of the word providentia points to respect for the beneficial qualities of foresight and understanding, which the eye here must be representing in this context.
Freemasonry – Great Seal of America
The eye-in-pyramid symbol was used in the design of the reserve side of the Great Seal of America. The eye pyramid design in the seal was added by Pierre Eugene du Simitiere who worked as an artistic consultant in the first of three design committees for the project which culminated in the adoption of the Great Seal by Congress in 1782.

Reproduction of Du Simitiere’s original sketch
So what did the eye-in-pyramid symbol mean for the founding fathers of America, many of whom it is well known had ties to Freemasonry? Is it just borrowing the Eye of God or Eye of Providence from Christianity? Or rather since masons built the cathedrals did they give the symbol to Christianity, a symbol they secretly used until made public in 1797 in Thomas Smith Webb’s publication The Freemason’s Monitor? Is it also a depiction of awakening the third eye?
I think for them it is mainly a symbol for God and perhaps for any who were mystics, for awakening the third eye. The use of it seems to be for good, wholesome reasons as reflected in the great ideals expressed in the USA’s Declaration of Independence. Their hopes were for America to be the first land of the free, with all men created equal with certain unalienable rights, governed by the people, for the people, independent from England and the monarchy; and for them a new order of the ages with the providence of God having provided for this opportunity and approving of its establishment.
When Webb placed the all-seeing eye in The Freemason’s Monitor he described it as follows: “[A]nd although our thoughts, words and actions, may be hidden from the eyes of man, yet that All-Seeing Eye, whom the Sun, Moon and Stars obey, and under whose watchful care even comets perform their stupendous revolutions, pervades the inmost recesses of the human heart, will reward us according to our merits.” So this shows Freemasons started publicly using the symbol to mean the same as it had in Christianity and more ancient cultures.
In August 1789 the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was adopted by France’s National Constituent Assembly and is an important document in the history of the French Revolution and in establishing human rights. There are a number of Masonic symbols used in the artistic representation of this declaration made in 1789 by Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier including the classic eye in pyramid symbol at the top used in an apparently positive way.
However, some interpret the use of the eye in this context as a sign of sinister influence from the Bavarian Illuminati upon the French revolution. The Bavarian Illuminati was a secret society that formed in 1776 and began to infiltrate and draw members from Freemasonry Lodges in Europe. For this reason some believe it’s possible the Illuminati may have taken the all-seeing eye from freemasonry for its own purposes. Although this secret society were officially disbanded before the French revolution began, some have noted the Illuminati had the goal of overthrowing the influence of the monarchy and religion in Europe, which, by coincidence or not, the French revolution helped to achieve. The French revolution also took a much more violent turn in comparison to the American revolution, bringing an outbreak of war and a period of despotic rule known as the reign of terror. This has led some to believe the Illuminati continued to exist after it officially disbanded and had some influence over the French revolution, with the all-seeing eye appearing above the declaration as a sign of this.
US Dollar Bill
It was in 1934 that the Great Seal all-seeing eye was placed on the US one dollar bill by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a known 32nd degree Mason. He did so at the suggestion of another 32nd degree Mason, Henry Wallace, who was the Secretary of Agriculture and future Vice President (1940-44).
The Federal Reserve had taken control of America’s currency since 1913, so the placement of the all-seeing eye symbol with the Latin words for “New World Order” (Novus Ordo Seclorum) and “He has blessed our beginning” (Annuit Coeptis) on the one dollar note is perhaps used by them to symbolically represent their consolidation of power and control as a small top elite group separated from the rest of society.
From this time it could be said that the all-seeing eye symbol was inverted from its original sacred origins since it was used on the dollar bill, a key mechanism of control, especially since it became the world currency post WW2.
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790
Modern Usage
Today the use of the all-seeing eye has absolutely exploded in modern media, art, entertainment, and the corporate world.
Company and Government Logos
The all-seeing eye symbol has been used in government agency logos such as DARPA’s Information Awareness Office — with obvious overtones of surveillance and being under Big Brother’s watchful eye. Also Mi5 in the UK uses the pyramid with the letter i of their name appearing at the top of the pyramid.
There are also numerous other examples of all-seeing eye motifs appearing in company logos e.g. AOL, and even space missions by the military e.g. NROL 39. Seeing these enterprises using what is regarded as dark Illuminati symbolism makes one think that these organisations may be under a sinister influence.
The examples above are just a small sampling of the use of the all-seeing eye in corporate logos.
There are some strange appearances of all-seeing eyes connected with the World Trade Center.
There was the Oculus Mosaic at the Chambers St/WTC subway station installed in 1998, and the 9/11 memorial in which a line of people formed the shape of an all-seeing eye.
Modern Pop Culture
In modern pop culture the symbol has become ubiquitous. All-seeing eyes are everywhere these days in fashion, promotion pictures of pop stars, movies, beauty products, and even kid’s cartoons which all frequently incorporate only one eye. Does this reflect the increasing control that elites have held over the entertainment industry as time has gone on?
Some suspect the all-seeing eye to be a symbol related to Illuminati mind control over their music and film stars.
Could the Eye of Sauron in The Lord of the Rings and the triumph of the good standing up against evil perhaps be taken as a warning against the Elites and encouragement from Tolkien for the little people to do something about it?
Public Events
The symbol has turned up in some major spectacles seen by millions around the world such as the 2012 London Olympics ceremonies, the 2012 Superbowl half time performance by Madonna, and bizarrely in the lead up to the 2013 New Year’s Eve celebrations in Sydney.
London 2012 Olympics – Opening and closing ceremonies
The main lights in the shape of pyramids with the lights at the top (a bit like the eye-in-pyramid symbol) all around the stadium amongst many other symbols are part of what some have described as a public Illuminati occult ritual with lots of Illuminati symbolism e.g. fireworks forming an eye and the fire torch poles forming an eye. The mascots were a bit strange also.

A ring of pyramids surrounds a giant eye – Image Source
Madonna Superbowl halftime show
During the 2012 Madonna Superbowl halftime show which some regard as a giant Illuminati ritual, an eye suddenly formed from lights projected onto the stage floor in a performance riddled with dark use of symbols.

Swirling lights suddenly form an eye
Sydney New Year’s Eve 2013
Building up to this event in Sydney, there were weird promotional artworks in newspapers and on banners hanging around the city depicting single eyes on trees and on animals such as koalas. Then at the peak of the New Year’s Eve celebrations and fireworks where each year a secret symbol is finally revealed on the middle of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, this time it was an all-seeing eye! Keep in mind, this is in the backdrop of recent Snowden revelations about the true extent of surveillance the world population is under, which made many people take notice of this symbol, but of course in a negative way, with some seeing it as a sign of Illuminati/demonic influence.

Sydney’s one-eyed bridge
Why does it matter if a group displays some symbols publicly?
Symbols are powerful. As the all-seeing eye symbol has entered more into pop culture it has made the idea of an elite Illuminati more widely speculated about. Now, when someone sees an all-seeing eye it is more likely to be viewed as a symbol of a powerful, controlling, all-knowing (surveillance) elite, thus what was once a benevolent symbol of the creator watching over the world has now been hijacked by a dark agenda and turned into a sinister symbol of control. Just look at the evil, one-eyed venom dripping spider dominating Sydney’s famous harbour icon for example.
Is this display of dark symbolism in pop culture a form of predictive programming, to get the masses (particularly young people) used to seeing these inverted symbols and accepting them, and conditioning them for something in the future?
As we have seen through this article, the all-seeing eye was for thousands of years a symbol of the light, protection from evil, and a benevolent God watching over creation.
It can also symbolise a person’s own inner divine spark and spiritual insight. It is interesting to note that when a person is in a sitting meditation position the body forms a sort of triangle shape with their 3rd eye chakra near the apex. When a person meditates they are silencing the dualistic mind and reaching a peaceful state of oneness or “single-eyed-ness” you could say, and gaining spiritual insight.
Overtime though, this symbol has been corrupted and co-opted into the opposite: evil power and control, big brother watching, an elite 1% separated from the majority of humanity at the top of their pyramid.
I believe we need to speak out and defend our freedoms against the dark agendas at play, including taking back the symbols of positive spirituality from the darkness that is corrupting them, and use them again in their rightful context.
[You can see my interview with Total View on this topic here: Total View interview: All-seeing Eye-Modern Use of a Hijacked Symbol]
Hi David, I totally agree with you. Well, before, I used to believe that it is a satanic symbol, because there are so-called satanic churches who use this symbol and the “baphomet”. Well as I studied further, and reading the bible, satan also masquerade as “light” using the same symbol. I believe that illuminati exists, I believe in the conspiracy of NEW WORLD ORDER, enslaving people, destabilizing countries, etc but them using the EYE is not supposed to be, because the EYE is a symbol of divine creator,a God of LOVE.
God is light and Light is Life and Love. Anyone using the symbol and does not know how to love others is not in the true light.
Thanks for your enlightenment, man.
not enough information
The Lord bless you David! This is good, needed, timeless work, man! It would take too long for me to express the implications… Just thank you for your curiousity, your courage to pursue truth, and obedience in sharing! This is awesome.
I appreciate this article because earlier today I came to the conclusion that I’ve been watching Way Too Many videos about the illuminati (about 5 years) and I decided I will no longer be going for that bait. Although I learned a lot about the Rothschilds and The Fed. I am sick of giving my energy to the negative. I believe the most powerful thing we can do (once informed) is to simply disregard them. God is in control. Theirs is only the illusion of control.
Matthew 22:20-22King James Version (KJV)
And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.
Thank you for pointing out to me the image I have come to loathe can become one of spiritual significance.
if you have an eye in the sky photo..what does it mean?
Hi Mel,
Your question sounds interesting, but I’m not sure what you’re referring to specifically. Perhaps to the header image in the first article? Or a general image with a sky and an eye looking down? I think in that case it’s like the first article mentions: “…eye symbolism to generally represent a benevolent creator force watching over, helping and protecting humanity” and from this article: “a benevolent God watching over creation”
An interesting read indeed. My personal views are as follows:
I believe the symbol (and most symbology) are intended to deceive. They usually start off with noble, positive intent to get buy in, but then almost always morph into symbols with sinister undertones cleverly and subliminally displayed so as not to be too overt in its propagation. By the time its true motives become public, its symbolism in all its nefarious glory is already accepted and normalised by the masses.
You made reference to its origins in pt 1 and touched on the use of the symbol by many mainstream religions over the past millennia. Interestingly enough – with specific reference to its use in Islam – (true) Islam does not advocate, encourage, condone nor instigate the use of any and all symbols for this exact reason. If anything, it abrogates its use. Did you know the the common use of the “star and crescent” is not an Islamic thing and is not a religiously vetoed symbol of the faith? (just a side note…)
Anyways, I strongly recommend you do a bit of research on Islam’s prophesy of the coming of the “One Eye’d Imposter” – known as the Dajjal. This might lend a bit of context into how Muslims view the sudden and widespread publicising of the “all-seeing eye”.
Thx again for the interesting read.
Hi The Saint,
Thanks for sharing about Dajjal – I’d never heard of it/him. I imagine Muslims who know about this prophecy imagine the materialistic, atheist culture of the west, the one with ‘one-eyed’ pop stars at it helm – are a part of this deception. It helps me to fathom the insanity of extremist (not true) Islam.
There’s impostors in most key positions of societies world wide. These are mostly bribed people with a small portion of the deceiving hierarchy’s loot. They give them some money and other perks to SELLOUT everyone else and enslave the world with their number, mark, and system to control you buying, selling, and lifestyles etc. They’re building reeducation facilities world wide and the US currently operates its entire legal system under illegal and rights violating FEMA policies. You cannot get a honest court defense in civil, or criminal courts. “They simply run as many people through for profits, and reeducation to obey as possible These LIARS pretend to be the moral authorities, but aren’t. They’re simply bribed to SELLOUT everyone else to help in the slave systems. They pretend to be intelligent, but are unwise robbing and enslaving others and themselves long term. Learn to recognize these professional liars in key positions of organized religions, smaller government controlled churches(almost all now have to sign away their rights and follow scripts), the corporate structure, charity scams, government, and social/ education/ indoctrination systems. Then you can reject all their lies and enslavement systems. Put these things to the best good ethical use. Remove these liars and replace them with selfless ethical people. Peacefully Unite Against The Deceivers.
Great read David, very informative and I think deserving of part 3….
There seems to be a lot behind the current mis-use of this symbol and why so many corporations and government agencies are using it. The commonality perhaps runs deeper and the mean threads may actually lead back to the first knot.
Thanks for the research on this, I think its really great to have this outlined. I did somehow miss this follow up altogether, and found it because of the recent comment in the side bar. Perhaps including this follow up as a link at the end of Part 1 or even including it as part of the ‘You May Also Like’ section to make it easier to find.
Thanks Layla, yes last week I put in a link to this article at the end of the first one to make it easier as well as links to the Total View interviews on these topics.
I don’t believe that the use of the eye on the U.S. dollar bill was a work of darkness. It may have even been the opposite. The emblem and the wording were designed in 1782 [1] by Charles Thomson [2], a founding father also known for painstakingly translating the Greek bible directly to English [3]. “Annuit coeptis” means that “Providence favors our undertakings” [4] (remember early white settlers in America were devoutly Christian). “Novus ordo seclorum,” meaning “New order of the ages,” is a phrase that was taken directly from a spiritual poem by Virgil. According to the wiki on the phrase, “medieval Christians read Virgil’s poem as a prophecy of the coming of Christ.” [5]
Considering the above and that the U.S. dollar was also created in the late 18th century, I don’t think it really matters when the reverse of the seal was added to the dollar. [6]
Those things you list are true of the Great Seal, thanks, I was aware of all of that although I didn’t go into that much detail in the article. As already stated in the article I think the use of the eye on the great seal was for good reasons so I agree it is not a work of darkness at that stage.
I think you are not considering a chunk of history though with your last statement.
The history of the dollar shows that the dollar and banking system in 1934, when the seal was placed on the dollar, was different to the late 18th century. For example, it had changed in 1913 with the federal reserve act and it changed again after world war two with the Bretton Woods agreement.
There are incremental changes happening over a period of time, perhaps part of a long term plan, until eventually we get to the non-gold standard perpetual debt fractional reserve lending fiat currency central banking system (
All this along with crony capitalism and the rise of the military industrial complex I see as examples of gradually increasing elitism and control which the all-seeing eye over the unfinished pyramid has come to represent. This was the “new deal” Roosevelt played a part to help along its way and I see his placement of the symbol, in its elitist sense, on the very key mechanism of that increasing control as telling.
Yeah I caught that part now on a second read, when you say it is at that point that it could be said the symbol was hijacked. Nevertheless, based on what I’ve read I can’t come to the conclusion that intentional diabolism was involved. And if it’s not intentional, it’s not really diabolism.
I am reminded of The Flight of the Feathered Serpent, when Judas says, “Mister Roosevelt is, with no doubt, a man of very good intentions, but…”, and later he reminds us that “in reality, no one sins deliberately; no one can do evil deliberately.” It’s my personal view that these were honest words from someone more awake than most. So I have a hard time believing that on an individual level there has ever been this grand diabolical scheme. There are obvious evils committed by the sincerely mistaken, such as murder, rape, etc., but I think many of the things made out to be evil plots are actually just sincerely mistaken responses to tough situations by people with the power to make those responses.
Yeah I caught that part now on a second read, when you say it is at that point that it could be said the symbol was hijacked. Nevertheless, based on what I’ve read I can’t come to the conclusion that intentional diabolism was involved. And if it’s not intentional, it’s not really diabolism.
I am reminded of The Flight of the Feathered Serpent, when Judas says, “Mister Roosevelt is, with no doubt, a man of very good intentions, but…”, and later he reminds us that “in reality, no one sins deliberately; no one can do evil deliberately.” I think that what is often portrayed as an evil plot is actually just sincerely mistaken individuals responding to difficult situations, such as a world at war, economic depression, etc.
If you go down the rabbit hole far enough to join the dots together you might view history differently. You might begin to think it possible that some people deliberately foment wars and economic depressions for profit and increasing control. Perhaps some well intentioned but flawed and manipulated people get used as pawns or puppets in other people’s games. Then again probably the dark forces consider themselves well intentioned too.
Thanks David very interesting, for a lot of us its hard to understand the power that some of these symbols actually hold as we are all so caught up in the physical/ material world, thanks for pointing out the greater significance of these symbols.
Some more modern use examples:
Sydney Eye Tower and the London Eye apart from their names being similar also at the moment have the same type of eye designed logo;
These are major tourist attractions in major cities, how many people are being exposed to this eye symbolism via these? Is it acclimating the public to get them used to accepting an eye symbol for some agenda to be carried out in the future?
Great follow up article David. It’s been great learning about the sacred origins and meaning of this symbol and having it laid out when/where the shift of meaning of this symbol started to happen.
It will be great to talk with you about this topic further on Total View!
I’d be happy to talk with you on Total View again about this topic.
Could it be that these evil operators want us to believe that it is they who see everything so we should fear them and not God?
Thanks David I found your article full of very interesting information and I totally agree with what your saying.
I feel that it’s very important to bring awareness regarding this sacred symbol, and I feel we my do everything possible to prevent evil from controlling humanity.
mr.david are you trying to convey that the shape of the symbol is right but the way we are depicting(evil) is wrong???
if we consider the same symbol in the dollar bill is good or almighty is it right??
whether we have to change the way we see it???
Hi aravind, I’m saying it is originally a positive symbol but has come to be regarded by many as symbolic of an evil-minded elite due to the way these elite have used it. Intent has a lot to do with it. If we use the symbol in a positive way, in a positive context, then it has a positive intent and the symbol can then be inspiring and so interpreted this way.